After the Holiday season, many sellers struggle with the increased return rate, often caused by issues with packages or shipping. You can avoid most of these issues by following a few simple Walmart packing and shipping rules listed below.

- Always ship items in unbranded boxes and envelopes unless the item ships in the manufacturer’s packaging. This is essential as it eliminates the risk of customers receiving Walmart orders in unfamiliar boxes, which is confusing and may erode their trust.
- Provide all orders with valid tracking numbers that customers can track via the carrier website to know when to expect their orders. Note: Sellers must maintain a Valid Tracking Rate of 99% or higher in 14 days period.
- Ensure on-time delivery by shipping with reputable carriers like the US Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.
Walmart expects all sellers to own their inventory and – as mentioned above – ship products under plain, unbranded boxes. A great option to maintain good shipping metrics and make sure that you do not violate Walmart policies is to utilize Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS). It is a solution similar to Amazon FBA, where Walmart stores, packs, ships seller’s orders in two days or less and handles all customer support and returns.
Additionally, please remember that Walmart does not allow selling arbitrage (e.g., buying discounted products on one marketplace to sell them on another under its regular price). Such a practice negatively impacts the customer experience and violates Walmart’s policies. Walmart put a lot of effort to monitor such activities and suspending any account suspected of arbitrage. In some cases, they may even terminate an account of a seller who is using selling arbitrage.
If you need any clarification on these Walmart packing and shipping tips, please let us know at or in the comment section below.